Found 4 LAT sources within 4 deg of search center!
[Nota Bene: Source distances are estimates and plot may go to hell at high dec]
2FGL J0035.8+5951 (8.96431,59.8537) is 0.096537 deg away. Flags [0 => 000000000] [Source Info]
2FGL J0047.2+5657 (11.8086,56.9606) is 3.23366 deg away. Flags [0 => 000000000] [Source Info]
2FGL J0038.8+6259 (9.72048,62.9967) is 3.23548 deg away. Flags [512 => 000000000] [Source Info]
2FGL J0102.7+5827 (15.6882,58.4625) is 3.76397 deg away. Flags [0 => 000000000] [Source Info]